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Rustic Bonsai Pot 2

Another Rustic Bonsai Pot Im making for my Brother,,, 

He liked the first one so much, he asked me to make a few more.


Here Im using a pallet that I found laying around the warehouse, Now im cutting the boards to lenght, I was lucky to find this pallett that had some nice slats, they were nice and clean and differant colors from dark to light.

After cutting the boards to lenght I put the boards in order to see everything was lined up and square, looks good so far.

One will always say "you can never have too many clamps"  Well during the clamp up, 2 of my clamps broke !!!  Luckly i do have 4 bar clamps, but I only needed 1.  Now I will let the glue dry for 2 hours or so...

While letting the glue dry up,,, I prepared 12 nails that are soaking in a "Vinegar & Salt" solution to give the nails an old rusty appearance I also sanded the nail heads so the solution will look better just as my brother asked me to do.

When the glue was dried up I put 3 wood dowels per corner to add strength "NOT PICTURED" The picture came out too blury... I put the nails where the wood dowles are to add character...


The final Rustic Bonsai Pot 2

Its all made from an old pallet,,, If you look closely at the nails they look a little rusty in just a few hours,,,  The pot was intended to look hand made, Rustic, and uneven ect ect...

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